Leaderboard results are computed using heareval, which requires that models follow a common API.

  • Your model must be able to produce two kinds of embeddings:
    • Timestamp-based embeddings: return time-centered embeddings at regular intervals. You may select the time interval (hop-size) between adjacent embeddings, but we suggest that it is <= 50ms to handle an onset tolerance of 50ms for music transcription evaluation.
    • Scene embeddings: return a single embedding for a entire audio clip.

To help you develop a model that follows the common API, see the HEAR validator. We also provide a baseline using the HEAR API, for example purposes.

load_model(model_file_path: Str) -> Model
  • model_file_path: Load model checkpoint from this file path.
  • Returns:
    • Model - TensorFlow or PyTorch Module object


A Model (pytorch or tensorflow 2.x) class instance must have the following attributes:

  • sample_rate: Audio sample rate that your model expects. HEAR benchmark datasets are available at the following sample rates: [16000, 22050, 32000, 44100, 48000].
  • scene_embedding_size: int: The dimensionality of the embedding returned from get_scene_embeddings.
  • timestamp_embedding_size: int: The dimensionality of the embedding returned from get_timestamp_embeddings. If you wish, this can be identical to scene_embedding_size.

    audio: Tensor,
    model: Model,
) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]

This function must return embeddings at regular intervals centered at timestamps. The model must also return the corresponding timestamps, in milliseconds. You are free to select the time interval between adjacent embeddings (hop-size). We suggest that it is <= 50ms to handle a temporal tolerance of 50ms for music transcription tasks. You are welcome to extend the API with an optional hop-size, however please note that heareval will use your default value

  • audio: n_sounds x n_samples of mono audio in the range [-1, 1]. All sounds in a batch will be padded/trimmed to the same length.
  • model: Loaded Model.
  • Returns:
    • embedding: A float32 Tensor with shape (n_sounds, n_timestamps, model.timestamp_embedding_size).
    • timestamps: A float32 Tensor with shape (`n_sounds, n_timestamps). Centered timestamps in milliseconds corresponding to each embedding in the output.

    audio: Tensor,
    model: Model,
) -> Tensor

This function returns a single embedding for each audio clip. It will be called to produce embeddings used for evaluation tasks such as classification that look at an entire audio clip. There are no restrictions on the method for summarization of the temporal aspects of audio into a single embedding. A baseline approach would be to take the mean of all timestamp embeddings returned from get_timestamp_embeddings.

  • audio: n_sounds x n_samples of mono audio in the range [-1, 1]. All sounds in a batch will be padded/trimmed to the same length.
  • model: Loaded Model.
  • Returns:
    • embedding: A float32 Tensor with shape (n_sounds, model.scene_embedding_size).

Suggestions for Model Development

A primary goal of the HEAR benchmark is to promote the development of freely-available genera-purpose audio representation models. As such, we encourage models submitted to the benchmark leaderboard to be open-source, freely available, and easy-to-use. We have a list of suggestions for developing an audio embedding model that supports these aims, which are based on the NeurIPS 2021 HEAR challenge rules.



  • Write your code in Python >= 3.6 and use PyTorch >= 1.7 or Tensorflow >= 2.0.
  • Your model shuld be able to return embeddings (either in GPU or CPU memory) for up to 20 minutes of audio without excedding 16GB of GPU memory. This memory constraint includes both model weights and embedding size.

Common format:

  • Follow the common API, described in detail above.
  • Your model should accept audio of arbitrary length under 20 minutes, as a tensor.
  • Your model should work with audio at one of the following four common samples rates: [16000Hz, 22050Hz, 32000Hz, 44100Hz, 48000Hz].
    • Following the API, your model must expose which sample rate it expects as input as a class attribute.
    • Avoid in-model resampling of audio, which is computationally costly however it is not expected to resample audio internally.